Reception 2024-2025
Welcome to Barley Hill
Primary School
"Every child deserves a champion- an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be!" -Rita Pierson
Welcome to the Foundation Stage page for Barley Hill Primary School. Here we believe that your child’s first year at school should be filled with fun and exploration and should provide a starting point for a love of lifelong learning. Every day the children at our school will have opportunities to explore the indoor and outdoor areas, both of which provide fantastic opportunities to discover and learn. Activities are carefully planned out and are taken from the children’s interests and these activities evolve throughout each week to ensure everyday offers enjoyment and challenge.
Contacting your child's Class Teacher
The staff in Foundation Stage thank you for your support and are always available to discuss any concerns you may have or answer questions. If you need any support or have any questions, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child’s teacher on the allocated email address below. These will be running up until October Half Term and then you will have to get in touch through the school office or speak to the class teacher directly, after school at 3.15pm. If you do use the class email address, they will get back to you as quickly as possible but please be mindful of teaching times.
Tadpoles -
Ladybirds -
Message from Mrs Humphries
Hello, I am very excited to be teaching Tadpoles class again next year. I can not wait to have lots of fun carrying out activities relating to all our wonderful topics. I am looking forward to getting to know all the new children who are joining our fantastic school and sharing lots of thrilling moments that will help them become confident and curious learners as they continue their journey at Barley Hill Primary School.
Message from Miss Kawalek
Hi, I can't wait to be in Ladybirds next year. I am really looking forward to meeting all the lovely children and getting to know their individual personalities. I am looking forward to all the teaching moments and the mile stones that they reach through our wonderful activities and learning at Barley Hill.
What A School Day Looks Like
Our school begins at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm. The children are encouraged to come into the classroom independently where they will find their named peg to hang their coats on, place their book bags in one of the named boxes and then go to the carpet for a morning activity. The children will be asked to place any lunch boxes, snacks and water bottles on the allocated bookcase in their classroom. Once the children have self-registered, they will come to the carpet for a short activity and register. Throughout the day the children will take part in whole class or group teaching sessions including phonics, topic, maths and literacy. Initially these will be very short and will become longer as the year progresses. These inputs will always be age appropriate and will initially include singing sessions, practical maths activities and story times. The children will have plenty of opportunities throughout the day to self-select activities in the classroom and the outdoor area and we encourage the children to follow their own interests. As staff, we will be interacting with the children, developing their understanding and teaching key skills through the play that we are observing. At lunchtime the children will eat in the school hall and will be served by the kitchen and teaching staff before continuing to engage with the outdoor provision on offer.
At home time your child will be dismissed from their classroom door in the reception garden which they enter through in the morning. We ask that you make yourself visible to the class teacher and your child.
What your child will need
Your child will need to bring a book bag with them each day as this is where they will keep their reading book as well any letters which are handed out.
Please ensure your child has a named coat with them as well as a sun hat if the weather continues to be warm. Please make sure that sun cream is applied before school and leave it at school if needed so the children can reapply this throughout the day if needed.
We encourage your child to leave a pair of named wellies and waterproof suit in school to enable them to access every part of our outdoor area in all weathers.
Please ensure your child has a named water bottle with them in school every day (please fill with water only). We have a daily snack time where the children will be offered a piece of fruit. You are welcome to provide your own fresh fruit or vegetable from home (grapes should be halved lengthways please). Your child is entitled to a free school meal, however if they bring in a packed lunch from home, please ensure it is in a named lunchbox. Please note, we are a nut free school.
Working in partnership
In our Foundation Stage we welcome the opportunity to work collaboratively with you. We believe it is essential to create positive relationships with families from day one so therefore we value and appreciate any information you can give us relating to your child. These may include their achievements outside of school or new skills they have learnt at home. We can then build on this where possible at school. There are specific opportunities throughout the year for you to meet with your child's class teacher to discuss their progress, however if you would like to meet with your child’s class teacher at another time, we ask that this happens after school and can be organised through speaking directly to your child’s class teacher.
Tapestry is a fantastic way of documenting your child's individual learning journey. At school, teachers and support staff will upload new observations of learning on a weekly basis and it is wonderful when parents engage with this, perhaps taking elements of the activities to try at home. As well as observations from school, parents are welcome to upload videos and pictures themselves, of special achievements or new experiences and learning to share with staff in school. Using Tapestry in this collaborative way allows us to better understand your child and allows us to provide more meaningful provision within school. If you have any questions regarding Tapestry, please do ask your child's class teacher.
Reading in Reception
Recommended Book List for EYFS
Once your child has settled into school, they will bring home a reading book along with a reading diary. We encourage you to read this book with your child at least three times a week and sign their reading diary after each read. Reading is one of the most important skills that your child can learn, so the more you can practice at home, the more confident your child will become, and they will develop a love for reading.
The reading book will be changed at least once a week, on a Monday. Staff will also share this book with your child at school so please ensure it is in their book bag daily. Please note, that we use the reading diaries as a way to communicate with parents and it is important to record how your is children reading when at home.
All classes will be visiting the school library. They will explore the different types of books and the children will enjoy a quiet, calm story time with their teacher.
Final Reminders
If your child is being collected by somebody different, please ensure you have informed your child’s class teacher. Please be aware that it is our duty to make sure the children are safe and if we do not have confirmation that another arrangement has been made, we will not be able to release your child until we have spoken with you.
If your child requires an inhaler or any other medication, please hand it directly to your child’s class teacher in the original box on your child's first day. You will then be required to fill out a medical form which allows us to administer the medication to your child.
Please remember that due to allergies of both staff and pupils, we are a nut free school.
Our Learning Environment
Although the children will be allocated a class, they will have a great deal of opportunity to access the whole of our EYFS unit. After the initial few weeks, children will be able to access the resource areas, three classes and the garden independently and freely.