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Barley Hill Primary School

Barley Hill Primary School
  1. Information
  2. Attendance

Attendance 2024 - 2025

Target Whole School Attendance: 2024/2025: 96% or above

Wow! Congratulations to our Attendance Cup winners this week…


EYFS/KS1: 1st Bumblebees 99.6%

2nd Hamsters 98.2%


KS2: 1st Tigers 100%!!

2nd Whales 98.1%


Our whole school attendance is: 95%

A good education is vital for children and young people and regular attendance at school is a key factor in opening up more opportunities in adult life. If your child develops a habit of regular school attendance, they'll have a positive attitude at school and beyond.  

School is the best place for children and young people to enjoy developing independence, building friendships and learning with their friends. All Oxfordshire schools are committed to enabling all children to develop the best versions of themselves as individuals, achieving the very best they can and learning how to develop the personal relationships and interests which will enable them to live rewarding lives.  

As a parent or carer you have a hugely important role to play in your child’s education. Your support is crucial to make sure they attend school regularly and to give them the positive encouragement they need. Barley Hill is keen to help you support your child in their learning. We strongly encourage you to ask questions and make sure you have the information you need to help you do this as well as you can.

For more information on attendance please see our school policy or alternatively The Oxfordshire County Council and The Government websites:

Attendance | Oxfordshire County Council

School attendance and absence: Overview - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Unsure Whether Your Child Can Attend School?

We understand that, sometimes, it can be difficult to know whether to send
your child to school if they are under the weather.

There are government guidelines for schools and nurseries. These say when children should be kept off school and when they shouldn't.

If you do keep your child at home, contact us as soon as possible on the first day of absence with the reason for the non attendance. Or call into school and report to reception. There is also facility to inform school of pupil absence for illness via this school webpage. 

If your child is well enough to go to school but has an infection that could be passed on, such as a cold sore or head lice, let their teacher know.

Please refer to this guidance below from the NHS. If you are still unsure, please ask a member of staff. 

Is my child too ill for school? - NHS