Welcome to the Barley Hill Parent,Teachers and Friends Association
Here at Barley Hill Primary School we are proud to have an active Parent, Teachers and Friends Association (Barley Hill School PTFA) and that we are able to make a positive impact on the children's experience of school and help to bring the whole school community together. Every parent, carer, or guardian of any pupil of the school, teacher and support staff and friend of the school is a member of the PTFA and has a role in making our school a wonderful place for learning. The PTFA meets throughout the year to discuss what is happening at school, planning events to bring the school together as a community and raising funds for those extras that enhance our children's learning. The PTFA now has it’s own website and more information can be found there. The website is www.barleyhillschoolptfa.org We are always on the lookout for more committee members, volunteers and new ideas. To contact the PTFA please email us on admin@barleyhillschoolptfa.org |